Friday, May 25, 2007

7 Random Things About Me........

I've been tagged by Charlie for this post, so here are 7 things some of you may, or may not, know about me.....

7. I was the typical jock in high school. Played football and basketball with moderate success in both, earning 7 varsity letters. Went on to play basketball for a year in college....

6. After first year of college I traded in my basketball shoes for a barstool.....

5. After 2 more heavily intoxicated years of college I traded in my barstool, hair comb, and textbooks for dreadlocks and a ticket stub (or hundreds). Traveled the country. Phil and Friends tour. Phish tour. My subaru station wagon was my home. Learned many lessons, sold a few veggie burritos, and had way too much fun.

4. Today I look like the high school jock, think like the traveling gypsy, and live my life somewhere in the middle.

3. I analyze everthing, thinking it up, down, inside, and out.

2. I believe in things I cannot see.

1. Endurance sports are my newfound intoxication...but maybe this is obvious.

So, I suppose I must tag 3 more....Well, seeing on how I have only a select few bloggersphere cyber-friends and I'm not going to tag someone who's already done this...that leaves 2 people for me to tag. Jodi and IM Able. Oh, I don't even know if you read my blog and you aren't a tri blogger, but Erin you're tagged too. Alright peeps, You're it!!


Jodi said...

Wow, you sure have worn a lot of hats in your life! So what did you like the best?


ps. off to make another blog entry!

Charlie said...

If Phil comes to the ledges, count me in. I think we could find a SAG VW bus for that.

B Bop said...

A SAG VW...hilarious!! Most of them can barely travel over cycling speed anyways :-)

And to awnser Jodi's question, that's tough. I have already lived a full life and experienced much. I'd have to say, however, that my favorite hat is the one I put on this morning....and if it's not, I oughta check myself.

Janet Edwards said...

Wow, typical jock...might not have pictured that!