Monday, December 18, 2006

The Fast Twitch Fibers Come Out of Hibernation

Tomorrow morning @ 8:00 a.m. I have my appointment for the MRI. Then, on Thursday I will take those results to my orthopedic guy and get the skinny on my foot. Needless to say, if I have to wear a cast I'll be one pissed off individual. I am optimistic however, and last Friday afternoon I put my foot to a nice test (not the best idea)and it responded well.

After my half mile in the pool I spent a half hour working my legs and core...then decided rather than go to work, I'd grab a basketball and shoot around for a few minutes. Well, as most of you know I used to play a lot of basketball. Nearly every day (except during football season) from the ages of 12 to 21. I was a hoops junkie (turned bar-fly, turned vagabond, but those stories are for another day). So, when I heard the old familiar question from the folks on the next court over, "hey man, you wanna run?" I could not refuse. Even though I risked damaging my foot to the point of inserting a screw so that it can heal properly. Even though the only shoes I had were my asics running shoes. Even though I have played basketball only one other time in the last 6 or 7 years. "Yeah, I'll run." I had said it before I could even think about it.

Well, I stayed on the court for over 2 hours as the 5 that we put together in the first game could not lose. Playing basketball is like riding a bike, you never forget what you learned when you were young. A day comes when you might not be able to ride as far or as fast. A day when you might not be as quick or be able to jump as high, but the "feel" of the game stays with you. For those 2 hours on the court I felt great.

By the time I got home and got out of the car I was very stiff. My fast twitch muscle fibers were in shock!! It was all worth those 7 pickup games over those 2 hours with kids that still play everyday. Now, it is Monday and I feel much better. My plans for bike rides over the weekend were scratched for short hikes as I needed some rest and if I would have gotten on the bike I'm sure I wouldn't have turned for home until I logged at least 20 or 30 miles. Well, the exciting part of this whole story is my foot felt fine while I was playing ball and afterwards. Not one inkling of pain. So I am very optimistic heading into see the orthopedic doc this week. I'll need it because the thought of a 3 month recovery for an ache in my foot is nearly unbearable.


Janet Edwards said...

Glad to hear it, best of luck with the doc!

I totally lost my basketball touch over the years...guess it was never my strong sport.

Jodi said...

Great to hear it's feeling better. Good luck with the MRI- keep us posted!

Happy Holidays!
