Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Conformity of an Ant Colony.....

Let's think about ants for a second. Have you ever seen a more cohesive group of workers? Our military goes through intensive training to become similarly focused on one objective. Football teams practice week in and week out to turn 11 individuals into a "well oiled machine." Hundreds, or thousands of ants obtain this sort of unity without "practice." They don't even talk. Or do they?

When I was a child my Aunt Judy bought me an ant farm. I recall learning that I had to be careful not to pour too much water on the farm in order that I do not destroy the little "roads" the ants made in the dirt. If I did and the tunnels collapsed, the stress might kill them! Talk about passion!!! Ants may have one up on humans in cohesiveness and work ethic but they sure don't know how to control their emotions.

Migrating birds travel thousands of miles to the same damn tree year in and year out, generation after generation. They have no map. No GPS. Well, my friend Paul bought a GPS and he said he had it stolen by a Blue Heron. I don't believe it. Squirrels stealing M&M's....maybe (I saw that one with my own eyes), but I know he must have misplaced his Garmin. Anyhow, these birds and butterfiles fly these incredibly far distances, and all we do is chalk it up to instinct. Instinct?? That's the best explanation we can come up with?? We humans are lucky to have a "conscience," although I often question that these days. We are lucky to have such an ability to comunicate as clearly as we do. But man, wouldn't it be great to be a migratory bird and have "instincts."

We work our whole lives so that we can retire, buy and RV and steer that thing across the country while our silver hair blows in the wind. 65 years living life like an ant and a measly handful with the freedom of a bird....for however long we can hang on. I might need to be an ant for 40 hours a week, but I'm not waiting for my social security check to gain a little freedom!! From today on, I delegate working hours only for antlike behavior!!!! Who's with me??

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