Friday, February 08, 2008

I must be feeling better...

Because it is Friday night, and I just had a date.

We watched basketball.

I ate a little.

And I drank alot.

And, eventually....

things were going well enough that I suppose you could say it got hot and I began to sweat,


No!! Of course it wasn't a first date!!

More like an old fling. Well, not that old, it's only been 3 weeks.

But after tonight, I'm not sure how I went 3 weeks without it....

We watched the Cavaliers hit big shots and play tough defense down the stretch to beat Atlanta, even with the plethora of injuries that are plaguing them right now. Austin Carr's exhilarant voice coincided with the hum of the trainer as Damon Jones made big shots and the Cavaliers defense made big stops. Life is getting back to normal. The Cavs win, and I put on some lycra for the first time in 3 weeks.


tracie said...

Oh la la your date sounds so.....steamy. :P

Glad to hear you've been able to get back into things and work up a good sweat!!!

It feels great, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Ha! You got me, I admit it. :)

Great post.

Jen said...

I'm jealous. I want to feel better and have a date with MY bike :-( Apparently, Miss Bike isn't interested in weak feverish women with hacking coughs. Snob.

I'm glad you're better!

Charlie said...

Lucky you. She likes watching basketball. Sounds like my past year of dating.

triguyjt said...

good set up sir...

and nice delivery..

E-Speed said...

this is sad my friend :) We need to find you a friend of the female persuasion so you can have a double date next time!