Time is Money. Nonsense. Time is art. Better. Time is Time.
It sets the limits of our accomplishments, joy, and sorrow.
It is the shackles wrapped around the ankles of our happiness.
You are my travel companion on our journey to
the insight, hindsight, forsight and nonsense
of my psyche. Thank you for coming along.
I welcome your company and companionship.
Head much clearer now. My scholarly pursuits do not allow much time for random expression. This blog is more than likely to morph (is morphing?) itself into an avenue for that release. Maybe I'll start another blog for that type of writing and reserve this one for the details of my day to day life. We'll see.
School is good. Training is good. I have been able to pick up my running mileage a bit after forcing myself to train at a slower pace. My swimming workout is getting easier and I will be increasing yardage soon. I miss my bicycle and will be forcing myself to spend a few minutes a week spinning indoors. In just a couple of weeks I will be paying close attention to my running mileage in preperation for the 1/2 marathon in Cleveland.....May will be here before I know it.
Beginning this weekend I must spend some time doing some research of envirnmental justice in order to complete a couple of research papers on the subject. Looking into EJ (as it is known to those "inside" the movement) I have become more interested, I must admit. I was aware of dirty industries (i.e. oil refineries) being located in poor, largly black, neighborhoods. But I had never considered the rights of native americans when a chemical company contaminates their water on the grounds that the political soverignty of the indian reservation releases them from the liability that they would have under U.S. law.
I was reading up on this subject yesterday afternoon, looking out of the window onto a frigid, blistery, 15 degree evening in Cleveland. It was hard to tell if the snow flurries were falling from the sky or if the 30mph winds were just blowing around the snow that had already fallen to the ground. Looking through these frantic, dizzying specks of white I could see the awe inspiring Trinity Cathedral across the street, it's stone artwork stretching towards the violent winter sky. I took a sip of my black coffee, took in the motivation, and I read.